Book cover and Illustrations

Drawings and cover design for the book "Nicht nur Mütter waren schwanger".

book cover of Nicht nur Mütter waren schwanger

Not only mothers were pregnant

Unheard perspectives on what is supposedly the most natural thing in the world

Nicht nur Mütter waren schwanger shares personally described experiences with pregnancy that are often ignored in society as a whole: it's about unfulfilled and lesbian desires to have children, about trans-male or age-atypical pregnancies, as well as about abortion and miscarriage, reproductive medicine, prenatal diagnostics and much more.

The anthology aims to soften the restrictive and pressure-filled view that pregnancy is the “most natural thing in the world” for the cis-heteronorm, but impossible for everyone else, and in the process develop alternative visions: for more openness and self-determination when dealing with the desire to have children, pregnancy and being a parent.

With contributions from Diana Thielen, Mareice Kaiser, Carrie McIlwain, Johanna Montanari, Katti Jisuk Seo und Nadire Biskin. Alisa Tretau (Hg.) German Paperback, 176 pages, 140 x 205mm, ISBN 978-3-96042-041-5 / 2-973, 14,00 Euro
Date of Release: 10/2018

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aufgeklapptes Buch mit Text und Illustration
hello and welcome to yes sure what the fuck
yessure logo
selfie in mirror at the bookshop 
														  with advertisement for the bookrelease of 
														  Nicht nur Mütter waren schwanger
logo for yessure, a shiny golden medal with yessure engraved on a background of 0's and 1's, written in metallic bubbly letters