two posters for a peng collective campaign, displayed in a subway station two posters for campaigns of the peng collective leaflet for the german metall workers union IG Metall display of the booklet Boom Book

Print products

Booklets   /  Flyer   /  Poster

“yessure” designed a scrapbook with various contents, a workboard and a short image film on the topic of sustainability for a project called “Boom” by the CSCP. The project started in 2019 and offered holiday camps for teenagers and young adults in the areas of consumption, energy, construction and nutrition.

"yessure" designed the posters for the media campaign of the interventionist media art collective Peng. Peng fights for the legal protection of the right of associations to informal self-determination and civil society and has filed a lawsuit together with the GFF 2022.

“yessure” designed many products for IG Metall from 2016 to 2022, including flyers, newsletters, PowerPoint presentations, brochures, banners, flags and posters. The Industrial Union of Metalworkers (IG Metall), with its 2.14 million members, is the largest single trade union in the Federal Republic of Germany and at the same time the largest organized employee representation in the world.

hello and welcome to yes sure what the fuck
yessure logo
selfie in mirror at the bookshop 
														  with advertisement for the bookrelease of 
														  Nicht nur Mütter waren schwanger
logo for yessure, a shiny golden medal with yessure engraved on a background of 0's and 1's, written in metallic bubbly letters